Youth Education for Tomorrow
The word yet is at the heart of YET Consulting. Youth is why teachers do what we do. We work hard all day and worry and plan all night, and do our very best each day for the success of our youth. Our job is to educate students for an unknown future in a technology filled world. I want to share my knowledge, failures, and successes to help change how we edeucate our youth for tomorrow. Tomorrow is a moving target and our curriculum has to constantly evolve to hit that target. Doing the same thing, teaching the same lessons, as we did 5, 10, 15, or 20 years ago is no longer enough.
Yet has another meaning as well. Yet is the key word in a growth mindset. We expect our students to develop a growth mindset, however this is one of the most challenging tasks for an educator to truly embrace. Many of us are scared to change. Staying the same is easy, it is comfortable, but is it what is best for our students?
I want to help you bring yet back into your vocabulary:
"I am not good with technology - yet."
"I don't know how to teach students to code - yet."
"I can't design a STEAM Project yet!"
Let me help you turn your can't - to can, your don't know - to know, and embrace your yet!
Youth Education for Tomorrow
The word yet is at the heart of YET Consulting. Youth is why teachers do what we do. We work hard all day and worry and plan all night, and do our very best each day for the success of our youth. Our job is to educate students for an unknown future in a technology filled world. I want to share my knowledge, failures, and successes to help change how we edeucate our youth for tomorrow. Tomorrow is a moving target and our curriculum has to constantly evolve to hit that target. Doing the same thing, teaching the same lessons, as we did 5, 10, 15, or 20 years ago is no longer enough.
Yet has another meaning as well. Yet is the key word in a growth mindset. We expect our students to develop a growth mindset, however this is one of the most challenging tasks for an educator to truly embrace. Many of us are scared to change. Staying the same is easy, it is comfortable, but is it what is best for our students?
I want to help you bring yet back into your vocabulary:
"I am not good with technology - yet."
"I don't know how to teach students to code - yet."
"I can't design a STEAM Project yet!"
Let me help you turn your can't - to can, your don't know - to know, and embrace your yet!